


Some communities are always aware of nutritional foods.  If it is more costly they buy it because of the health aspect. Among these Teasle gourd or Spine gourd or Madahagala is one. It is considered a healthy and nutritious vegetable.

In the olden days, most rural people use special vegetables which is rich in nutrients and medicinal values. So they are far from doctors and diseases. Vegetables like TEASLE GOURD and some leaves and buds of selected plants are used for the special curry. There are the highest health benefits from his vegetable and tender leaves.

The origin of this  Teasle gourd (Spine gourd) is our forests. We can find the rainforests of our country. Western Ghats sections of Karnataka, Kerala, Andra Pradesh Maharastra, Tamilnadu, Gujarat, and northeast states. There are many varieties in this. Some varieties are smaller in size and some are bigger. Region-wise we can find these varieties. The shape and taste are not many different.  Some varieties are high yielders and some are less. Some need artificial pollination and some are automatically pollinated. In south Indian states, there are some local varieties, which are popular in the market.  Now scientists from the Indian Institute of Horticulture Sciences searched a good variety from Assam forest region and were introduced to Southern states. They Named the variety Arka Bharat, its size and yielding capacity are higher compared to the local variety.    Teste and nutrient wise all varieties are same.

What are nutrition values in Spine gourd:

  • In south Indian states most of the consumers are GSB communities.
  • They are well known about the nutrition values of this vegetable.
  • They prepare many dishes from this. Every special day they prepare its fried items.
  • They treat this vegetable as a supplement to fish and meat. 
  • Even tribal groups people nearby dwellers of the forest also use this as a high nutrient food. 
  • It is preventive and curative of many diseases.
  • It is used for thousands of years. In Ayurveda study, its nutritional and medicinal properties are studied. 
  • A high percentage of carbohydrates (59.31% and proteins 5.44% along with fiber (22.9%) are present in this vegetable.
  • Because high fiber content helps to well digestion.

100 grams of his gourd contains calcium 7.37mg, Iron 5.04 mg potassium 4.6, Zinc 3.8, sodium  1.6, the energy value is 288 kcal (dry weight) Vitamin C, and Iodine content.  Some secondary metabolites like Steroids, Alkaloids, and Saponins were also determined. 

These fruits are diuretic laxative anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant properties. Its leaves are anti helminthic., anti hemorrhoidal antipyretic properties. 

Its root  juice has stimulant, anti diabetic, anti-inflammatory properties.  Pimples can be controlled by rubbing the tender fruits on the skin. Root extract showed anti-cancer activity.

  • Its fruits are good anti oxidants due to the presence of flavonoids.  
  • Now people use continually some anti-biotic medicines.
  • For these people, this fruit is good for its side effects.
  • Its seeds are also high in nutrients, it is equivalent to the power of one spoon of ghee.
  • It is good for the health using along with seeds.

Grow and use more:

This is the Cucurbitaceous family plant. All plant characters are like bitter gourd. But no bitterness.  It is multiplied by seeds also. There are male and female chances when we propagate through seeds. After flowering only we can detect the male and female.  Both are necessary for fruit sets. The local verities are yellow flowers and they set fruit by insect pollination. It starts yielding in the monsoon season. The released high-yielding variety  ARKA BHART starts flowering in summer and ends in monsoon. It requires artificial flowering. It can be propagated by roots. Here the advantage is the accuracy of male and female plants.  Stem cuttings are also possible. If you plant a male and a female you can get a sufficient quantity of fruits for your home purpose. It is a highly-priced vegetable. So commercial cultivation is also profitable.

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